Keep up to date with the latest changes here at A Quick CNC. This is also where we will post new developments and new machines!
By MikeB
Hey AJ,

I was wondering if you had any idea when the Quick Cut Pro parts will available for purchase? I backed the project and have limited workspace/tools so am looking for the simplest way to get to a working CNC machine after my parts arrive in June.

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By AJ Quick
We'll be trying very hard to get the wooden parts going as soon as we can. Our large production router is currently in need of some work before we can churn out new parts for those.

Steve, Thanks for letting us know. I believe the[…]

What are your DIP switches set to? They can cause […]

CNC electronic questions?

AJ, Thanks a lot for your help,

Testing the 3 Axis Controller

I had replied to your email, but I'll post this he[…]