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By AJ Quick

We are making the SmoothStepper USB adapter available in our store. The SmoothStepper elimiates the need for a parallel port, and is a direct connection to our Unipolar CNC Controller.

The SmoothStepper is a motion control device that connects to the USB port of a computer. It accepts commands from CNC software Mach3, and produces very high quality pulse trains that drive step & direction motors. Eliminates the need for a computer with a parallel port! Generates pulses at rates of up to 4Mhz, and has 34 I/O ports. Connects directly with our unipolar CNC Controller, using a 26 pin ribbon cable and USB cable (not included).

Steve, Thanks for letting us know. I believe the[…]

What are your DIP switches set to? They can cause […]

CNC electronic questions?

AJ, Thanks a lot for your help,

Testing the 3 Axis Controller

I had replied to your email, but I'll post this he[…]