Keep up to date with the latest changes here at A Quick CNC. This is also where we will post new developments and new machines!
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By AJ Quick
Time for another update, and this is an exciting one. We've been making the final arrangements for the shipping. Many of you have been contacted to arrange for shipping, and some of you have even gotten tracking numbers and shipment notifications. We are in the home stretch of having everything finished and ready to go and that is very exciting.

We ask that everyone who pledged to please look at their backer report that they sent in February and ensure that the shipping addresses are correct. If they are not, please send us a message as soon as possible.

Now for something AWESOME.

Our backer in Colorado (that got the first machine last month) finally got everything setup to his liking and shot this video for us tonight showing the machine in action. I'm sorry that this was one of the first videos of the machine actually cutting... but we think the wait was worth it!

Steve, Thanks for letting us know. I believe the[…]

What are your DIP switches set to? They can cause […]

CNC electronic questions?

AJ, Thanks a lot for your help,

Testing the 3 Axis Controller

I had replied to your email, but I'll post this he[…]